Upcoming Events 0.5

Here we go with the 5th release of the Upcoming Events plugin. Again, I’m sure this won’t solve everybody’s problems with past versions, but it solves a few more than 0.4 did. Fixes in this version include:

  • Allow multiple widgets that can display different feeds
  • Fix a PHP 4 compatibility issue
  • Make the popups with event details fade in and out
  • code_name can no longer start with an underscore. If you have feeds with this setting now, the plugin will continue to work, but the next time you try to update your options you’ll be required to change it.

There are, of course, fixes that didn’t make the short list. For a complete log, see http://dev.wp-plugins.org/log/upcoming-events.

Important Links

WordPress Info Page

Upgrade Instructions

IMPORTANT: With past versions you could simply unzip the file into your wp-content/plugins directory in place of the current upcoming-events contents and be good to go. This update requires one additional step. You must also deactivate and reactivate the plugin on the Plugins tab of the WordPress admin interface. Once reactivated, if you use widgets you’ll need to visit the Widget config settings on the Presentation tab in order to re-add the Upcoming Events widget. This is because of the new ability to add multiple widgets.

Install Instructions

See the main Upcoming Events Page.

New Feed for Lion’s games

It seems that the feed at ical.mac.com hasn’t been updated yet for this years schedule and one game has already been played (and won by Detroit, I might add!). So I went looking for a new feed provider… and found Yahoo. My Upcoming Events plugin seemed perfectly capable of handling the Yahoo feed. So now, simply by putting http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/det/ical.ics in the Path field and clicking the “Update Now” button in the Upcoming Events options, I was able to get the upcoming Lion’s games back into my calendar.

Upcoming Events v0.4

It’s way past time for the 4th release of the Upcoming Events plugin. I’m sure this plugin won’t solve everybody’s problems with version 0.3, but I know it will solve at least a few of them. This is the code that’s been running on my site for the past few months. I apologize for taking so long to make this release. Fixes in this version include:

  • Use $wpdb->prefix for forward compatibility with WordPress
  • Provide limited support for recurring events
  • Specify that the background should be White in the CSS file
  • Display newly added feeds by default

That last item, display newly added feeds by default, will fix most, if not all, of the SQL errors in previous versions. This will not fix it if you are trying to updating an existing installation that’s exhibiting that problem, but should prevent the problem from happening on new installations. If you have an existing installation with an SQL error, make sure at least one “Display in default sidebar” box is checked.

Download Links

WordPress Info Page

Upgrade Instructions

Simply unzip the file into your wp-content/plugins directory in place of the current upcoming-events contents.

Install Instructions

See the main Upcoming Events Page.

Upcoming Events and WordPress 2.1

It looks like WordPress 2.1 is getting closer to being out the door… The WordPress Development blog just made a post to suggest the plugin authors check their code to make sure if it’s naughty or nice. Well, Upcoming Events is somewhere in between. I followed the instructions on WordPress’ site for creating tables in the database which said to use $table_prefix in order to get the configured prefix (wp_ by default). It seems, however, that I should actually be using $wpdb->prefix instead. Fortunately, $table_prefix is just depreciated, not eliminated so even version 0.1 of Upcoming Events is WordPress 2.1 ready. Upcoming Events 0.4, when it comes out, will use the shiny new $wpdb->prefix interface.

UPDATE 11-Dec-2006: I edited the WordPress wiki to reflect the fact that $wpdb->prefix is now the prefered method.

Upcoming Events v0.3

It’s time to make the 3rd release of my Upcoming Events plugin. Updates in this release include:

  • Removed a debugging statement that caused days/weeks to display incorrectly
  • Individual iCal feeds can be immediately updated from the admin page
  • The events list is now valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • The admin page now produces valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • CSS styles are in their own separate file for easier modification
  • More information is provided in a tooltip-like popup for each event
  • Basic error checking is done when making changes on the admin page

By far, the biggest user visible update is the tooltip-like popup. To see it in action, simply hover your mouse over one of the events in my event list. Pretty much all the other updates are only of concern to the admin… though being that the plugin is installed by the admin, I think they’re a pretty important person :).

Download Links

Red Alt info page

Upgrade Instructions

Simply untar/unzip the file into your wp-content/plugins directory in place of the current upcoming-events contents.

Install Instructions

Untar/unzip the downloaded file into your wp-content/plugins directory then visit the Plugin Manager in your WordPress admin interface and active the plugin. A new subpage will appear on the Options tab for Upcoming Events where you can configure your iCal feed(s). Once you have feeds configured, you can add the event list to your sidebar. If you use widgets, simply visit the Widget subpage on the Presentation tab to add the Upcoming Events widgets. If you don’t use widgets, you’ll need to edit your sidebar.php in your theme directory (the default theme is in wp-content/themes/default) and add the appropriate code from the Upcoming Events options page.

Upcoming Events v0.2

This second release of the Upcoming Events plugin has a couple of fixes that people asked for after the first release.

  • Now supports being used as a widget.
  • Should now work in PHP 4 (had received only moderate testing).

This second bullet point will probably excite more people than the first. I’d much appreciate it if those of you that have been having problems getting the plugin to work because you run PHP 4 could try out this release.

The .tar.gz can be downloaded from my site. A zip version is available from Red Alt‘s download page.

Bugzilla Install for Upcoming Events

I tried living with the trac bug system and it’s just way too limiting. Maybe if you’re the admin it’s configurable enough to live with, but as a normal user I found queries and what-not to be not very robust.

So I made a bugzilla install for my projects. Please file bugs here rather than in trac.

Upcoming Events v0.1

NOTICE: This is the URL specifically for version 0.1 of this plugin. For all posts related to this plugin, please see the upcoming-events category.

Some of you may have noticed a new section in my sidebar labeled “Upcoming Events” for the past week or so. Up until today, it said it was “Powered by a yet-to-be-released plugin.” Well, today is the day I release it! I set up an account at wp-plugins.org and got everything but the ability to edit the wiki. My intention was to have that page be the “Plugin URI,” but I decided to go ahead and release it now. Once I get the ability to edit the wiki, I’ll be making that the plugin’s main site.

So what does this plugin do? Pretty much what you see in my sidebar. I have a feed from my Google Calendar, a feed for Bugzilla Development, a feed for my Army Drills, and a feed for the Detroit Lions schedule. It takes all of those iCal feeds and comes up with what the next, in my case, 7 events are. This is configurable in that you can choose how many events, days, or weeks to display.

So how do you get your hands on it? Easy, simply download it. Once you’ve done that, extract the archive into your Word Press plugins directory (by default, wp-content/plugins) and activate it using the normal Plugin Activation screen inside the Word Press administrative interface.

Any bugs should be filed using my bugzilla install.

UPDATE 28-Nov-2006: My bugzilla install is now the place to file bugs instead of trac at wp-plugins.org.

UPDATE 29-Nov-2006: New version (0.2) released.

UPDATE 6-Dev-2006: Added notice about the upcoming-events category. Also, version 0.3 is out now