Some may have noticed quite a few updates to my blog in the past couple weeks. In addition to my new Upcoming Events plugin, I’ve also put a new theme up. I found this Iowa Winter 1 theme on One thing I really liked about this site is that you can specify search criteria when looking for a new theme. For example, I wanted a 2 column widget ready so I check those two boxes and select “ALL” from the dropdown at the bottom. Then I could look at just themes that worked for me. There’s also color related search options.
I’ve also added the wpopenid plugin so if you have an OpenID identify you can use it to post comments on my site. I followed some instructions I found in Kveton’s blog about how to use a third party OpenID provider while still using your own URL. So my OpenID provider is but my OpenID url is
I’ve also started using FeedBurner for my RSS feeds instead of pointing to my own site. I currently have a feed for all of my blog and a feed for the upcoming events plugin available.
I think that’s all the changes 🙂
This is a sample comment using OpenID
This is a test OpenID comment
Testing an anonymous comment…
And, of course, here’s an author comment :).
As far as I can see, your OpenID implementation seems to work great.
Thanks for your submission to “The OpenID Directory“.
BTW: You can let your readers vote for your site and claim ownership at the same time. If you have not registered your site yourself, claiming ownership enables you to to make changes to your description, thumbnail etc. any time you like :).
Keep up the good work!
Thomas Huhn
OpenID rocks! I just registered for my own OpenID account at Verisign and use the PayPal security key as an added authentication method. Though I don’t see how I can authenticate on your site using my OpenID. I don’t see the OpenID log in box — did you disable it? Anyhow, great site! 🙂
Yes, I had some issues getting it to work again after I updated to WordPress 2.3 and just haven’t had the time to look into why yet… I wish WordPress would just integrate it into the core system :).
WordPress 2.3.3
Jake, why not update to 2.5?
OK, so the redirects didn’t work smoothly, but it seems I am logged into a MySpace account!
And a comment while logged in from Facebook.
How about a comment from a Yahoo account?
Open ID is a good method to encourage users to login, but I think facebook login works best. Believe it or not, more people use facebook than open Id. Check it out . I’ve used my Gmail account to login here, but if you had Facebook connectivity, I’d definitely use that because it integrates my avatar as well. 🙂